Lots of readers ask me what I read for pleasure. Favorite books. Go to authors. I read almost every genre and I read a lot, so I thought I’d give you a glimpse inside my reading list. I’ll try to post selections once a month and I welcome you to share what you’re reading too.
Here is my On deck ~ Reading now ~ Just finished list. Enjoy!

Looking forward to reading this one. Dennis Lehane says, “Visitation Street is urban opera writ large. Gritty and magical, filled with mystery, poetry and pain, Ivy Pochoda’s voice recalls Richard Price, Junot Diaz, and even Alice Sebold, yet it’s indelibly her own.”

Noa sits on death row for having committed a heinous crime and her fate is sealed until the mother of the murdered girl shows up with plans to help her seek clemency. This novel is unputdownable with characters that get under your skin.