The Crucial Pages Consult—Advice for Hooking the Reader

Agents and editors, more often than not, make decisions about whether to champion your work within reading the first five pages. You might wonder how is that even possible?! Yet after years of editing my clients fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, I’m here to tell you it is. The opening pages of any novel or memoir are intended to pull the reader in, to make it clear what kind of journey he or she is about to take. The opening of any book must establish point of view, showcase character, give a glimpse of the action and emotional conflicts to follow, and set the tone for the piece.  

Believe it or not, those first pages also introduce theme and premise, and they tee up your climax too. It may be hard to assess your own work—to know if you’ve created the intense curiosity agents and editors look for—because you’re too close to the story to know what is working and what’s not. 

In this Crucial Pages Consult, I’ll read your first five pages and offer honest feedback about the elements of craft that hook readers, and where the story slows down or misses the mark. I’ll make specific suggestions for revision, with the goal of starting off strong and captivating the audience. Within ten days of sending me your pages, I’ll provide feedback on your work that will include specific suggestions for revising the pages with the goal of capturing the attention of agents and editors.

Tailored to your learning style, you may receive the feedback in writing or verbally by phone in a 30 minute call. The cost for the consult is $200. [Note: for $250, you can receive the written feedback and the 30 minute call.]


  • Please email me at to make your request or ask questions. If we agree to work together, you’ll send me the first five pages of your novel or memoir, formatted to industry standard which is: 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced.
  • In our email correspondence, I’ll ask you to share the genre if you know it, a one paragraph book description, and where you are in drafting the work. 
  • You’ll let me know whether you want written feedback or a 30 minute phone call, or both. I’ll share payment information. [I use Venmo.] And we will schedule a date to receive feedback.

Have I convinced you that your first pages are crucial to every reader? I hope you’ll let me help you make them sing.